Memories (a poetic essay of sorts)

It is theorized that all lasting memories are simply memories of memories. Which, as we understand the brain scientifically in our day is unable to be disproved, for according to observation, the only way for a memory to last from short term to long term is for it to revisited, electrically stamped upon our neurons for safe keeping.

But if indeed the world as we understand it is put so simply as electrical and magnetic waves crashing through the air, only to be picked up by our attuned nervous systems and translated into tastes, sights, smells, and touches; then forever downgraded to a memory (though only short term), and finally if that moment is considered thought worthy, a long lasting is kept to maybe have a possibility of being used again for some purpose.

Then does that not make every sensation around us but a memory as soon as it is given time to enter our thoughts? The stable ground beneath your feet, the air subtly moving about the room, the unique taste and smell of the location lingering in our mind, becoming a permanent part of the past before it even had time to be part of the present?

Could one not then build up a reality within their own mind, and simply by remembering the very thoughts of this fabricated course of events over and over, convince themselves this turn of events actually occurred? I believe this to be possible. I believe we all do this, to one degree or another, for this is the only way to make any sense of the chaos of atoms and electrons constantly bombarding our consciousness.

But if the very reality around us is simply self-created memories, then is that not the whole of our worth? Reality’s worth itself? Nay, I say.

If reality is but a memory within my own mind, then I would be unable to translate these memories and come to the conclusion of these words before you, and they would not be becoming a memory of your own as these words pierce into your mind. No, what this means is not that the present is brought to less worth because it is but a memory, but the entirety of time itself is brought to more worth.

The past, a collective of memories passed on throughout generations of memory bearers, to reach our ears and eyes and be absorbed and molded by our own memories. If indeed the present is a memory of a memory being made, so much more is the past, a memory of a memory of a memory deemed worthy to remember; to transcend the minds that originally brought them into fruition.

The future, also, a memory. A memory created by those who dare to imagine things that are not yet, to repeat the mantra within their mind that it will come to be, to make it a memory of a memory before the present (or more specifically, the minds perceiving the present) creates it.

If the past, present, and future is the collective memories of mankind, then how could one deny the need to study? How could one deny the need to imagine? To create? No, not the need… The desire. Even more so than simply desire, an unquenchable urge!

But if this urge is not born from the very memories it urges to create, and if study can only bring to the conclusion that the universe is a well-oiled machine in its aid to mankind creating memories, and one feels that there must be some reason to create, some goal for mankind’s march into the future, then I cannot deny the only rational conclusion.

That the universe, and all memories within it that let us perceive it, were and are and is created, and therefore, must have an original creator.


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