What is this blog?

Hello friends, random internet browsers, bot programs, artificial intelligence, and extra-terrestrials. This page is to explain what this blog is.

I am Toby. I am a geek. (I am also a nerd, for those who keep track of the difference) I write about things I find interesting, which is just about everything.

My hobbies include, but are not limited to: mathematics, philosophy, drawing, graphic design, animation, guitar playing, piano playing, singing, rapping, beatboxing, playing board games, not finishing board game designs, video gaming, theorizing about video game design, illusions, stand-up comedy, general performance, video editing, cinematography, narrative storytelling, writing, and most prominently, devoting time simply to think.

As you can probably tell, I have no life. Which segways seamlessly into asking you to follow me on my social medias:

Twitter – I tweet random thoughts while trying to use proper grammar.

Soundcloud – I post tracks I produced here.

Goodreads – For those who care what books I’m reading, and what I think of the books I’ve read.

DeviantArt – I sometimes post my drawings here.

More Coffee TV – This is a YouTube channel I run with my sister. We post videos at least once a week, more if we’re not running late.

Toby’s Mind – This is my personal YouTube channel. It has no content right now, but will soon. Maybe.

I don’t have a Facebook. Read this to see why.