
So here’s the thing:

I like blogging. I find it fun writing about various subjects and it’s a great excuse to delve deeper and organize my thoughts on my many interests.

Due to the casual nature I’ve always approached it with, however, I tend to forget to actually sit down and do it. I’ve tried different schedules to help me with this problem, but they never seem to work. I always end up with fifteen different unfinished draft posts in my queue and no new posts.

In my many attempts to turn into a consistent blogger, I have noticed a few things about the way I write posts:

  • If I don’t finish writing a post in one sitting, it is very unlikely it will ever get completed.
  • Boxing myself into a specific subject can give me a block when it comes to writing.
  • Deadlines don’t motivate me when it comes to writing, at least not as much as they should.
  • Building a backlog of almost finished posts gives me a false sense of security in how well I’m doing.
  • I tend to be a perfectionist with some of my posts, holding them under harsh quality control standards, and thinking they are not allowed to be short for some reason.

So now as I attempt to jump into blogging again, I must decide if I want to work through these specific problems I have, or work around them.

Looking at these observations, I notice most of my problems are in some way related to discipline when it comes to actually finishing a project. So however I attempt to get past these issues, building discipline will be key.

In the meantime, I will start with a goal of posting twice a month. I won’t confine myself to a specific subject, and I will try to avoid worrying about how long the posts are.

Also, I will try to figure out a better way to write conclusions.

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